The Ecosystemic Transition Unit (ETU)
A roadmap for islands, villages and towns across the Mediterranean to join the energy transition

About us
The Ecosystemic Transition Unit (ETU) is a multilevel governance model developed by the Interreg MED Renewable Energy community to integrate the energy transition into territorial planning, using a holistic approach. The ETU brings together governance, economic competitiveness and social innovation to revitalise rural areas and increase their resilience to climate change.
Flagship Cases
The ETU Flagship Cases are nine rural, island and urban municipalities working with experts from the Interreg MED Renewable Energy project to develop policies, campaigns or projects based on the ETU model. Alongside this, the project supports five Assessment Cases, who are applying the ETU’s tools to improve their territorial planning. Together, collaboration with the Flagship and Assessment Cases make up the ETU Initiative’s mainstreaming process.
Assessment Cases

The ETU Manifesto
The ETU Initiative is based on five principles

Holistic response
to climate change




Cooperation &