Sustainable Energy Planning in Territories

The Interreg MED Renewable Energy Community, in collaboration with the partnership of the PRISMI PLUS project, is organising this event within the framework of the webinar series “Discovering the ETU toolbox”. The event will take place online on the 16 November. The Ecosystemic Transition Unit (ETU) model has been created by the Interreg MED Renewable Energy community, as a roadmap to support energy transition of the territories and on the base of the results of the projects belonging to the community. The ETU model is supported by the ETU Toolbox, included all the tools produced by the projects of the community. The PRISMI toolkit is one of them.
The main objective of the webinar is to showcase different applications of the PRISMI toolkit, in different kind of territories of the MED area and especially, islands, Urban and rural territories. The PRISMI and PRISMI PLUS partnerships developed this powerful toolkit for the assessment of the RES available on the territories, for a sustainable energy planning. The toolkit can support local authorities from the evaluation of the RES potential of their territories, to the realisation of sustainable energy plans such as SECAP and CETA. Let’s discover howevel.