EU clusters to boost the energy transition at the local level

- Tuesday, 18th October 2022
- 9.30 – 11.30 CEST
- Online
The Interreg MED Renewable Energy community and SMARTENERGY will co-host an event to disseminate best practices and cluster initiatives to facilitate the EU energy transition of cities and communities. The event will take place online on Tuesday 18th of October and will focus on how energy clusters can boost the energy transition at a local level, from a cross-sectoral perspective.
The event aims to stimulate knowledge exchange and capacity building. Clusters can play a key role in facilitating and supporting innovation transfer to final end-users. The users in territories and cities must play an active role in the EU’s energy transition. However, they sometimes lack access to knowledge and skills. In this event, different EU energy clusters will contribute to closing that gap by showcasing best practices and initiatives implemented.
The CLEVER cluster, FLUX 50 cluster, Basque Mobility and Logistics cluster, Tweed cluster and Tenerrdis Cluster will share their insights shedding light on the role of clusters in boosting the energy transition. Each of them will focus on a specific topic such as the digitalisation of the energy sector or smart cities. Alexia Boulanger, Senior Specialist at Environment Park will represent the Renewable Energy community sharing how the ETU model can support the energy transition focusing on the local level.